Awards & Honors
SeniorCare Honors Longevity Bench Project
SeniorCare’s 50th Anniversary Celebration:
An Evening of Remembrance and Heart
During the 50th Anniversary Celebration of SeniorCare, Inc. held Thursday night, September 22, 2022 at the Beauport Hotel, Manchester’s Longevity Bench Project’s founder, Lisa Bonneville, was honored with the Board of Directors Community Service Award. Celebrating with Lisa were a number of Bench Project board members, sponsors, friends and family members. SeniorCare Director, George Nickless from Manchester personally shared his well wishes as a supporter of her nomination for this award. At the end of the evening, Lisa delivered her heartfelt thanks for this high honor.
Longevity Bench Project family, board members and sponsors (left to right): George Davis, Dominic Pang, Fleur Davis Pang, Linda Feuerbach, Sonne Bialy, Lisa Bonneville, Leigh Scharfe, John Filias, Paula Filias and Gillian Kellogg
Congratulations to the guests of honor (left to right): Jim Nentwig, Santa’s Magic, Rosemary F. Kerry Community Service Award; Posie Mansfield, Good Company, Myra L. Herrick Outstanding Older American Award; Felicia Webb, Cape Ann Transportation Authority, Board of Directors Community Impact Award; Lisa Bonneville, The Longevity Bench Project, Board of Directors Community Service Award; Not pictured: Darlene Prinz, Beverly Police Department, Board of Directors Community Impact Award
Manchester-by-the-Sea’s 375th Anniversary Parade
The Longevity Bench Project hit the road on Saturday, September 25, 2021 with a float in Manchester’s 375th Anniversary parade. What a fun ride it was! Proudly won the float award for “Most Ecological”, as we celebrated our milestone 20th bench. Thanks to Chapman’s Greenhouse for their colorful flowers that created a garden around the bench and banners and to Jeffrey’s Creek Land Contractors for the extra large float bed we shared with the town’s Anniversary Planning Committee chairs, Sue Thorne and Tom Kehoe. It is our set-up team that deserves the most gratitude. That’s you, Linda, Sonne, Sue, Louisa, Mary Ellen, Ann, and the magnificent George Davis. And our special guest riders and walkers; Joan Snow, Dorothy Anderson and Michelle Langille and Sonne Baily, and board members Ann Noble-Kiley, Sue Harrington and Louisa Mackintosh. We had so much fun!!